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gross revenue中文是什么意思

用"gross revenue"造句"gross revenue"怎么读"gross revenue" in a sentence"gross revenue"的同义词


  • 收入总额
  • 营业总收入;总收益
  • 总收益


  • Gross revenue by tolled facilities , financial year 199899 - 200203
  • Percentage of total aggregate gross revenue generated by each tolled facility , financial year 200203
  • The highest yield level would generate gross revenue increases of over 95 million yuan ( soybean valued at 3 . 2 yuan / kg )
    最高产量可增加毛收入超过9500万元(大豆价格4 . 3元/公斤) 。
  • Percentage of total aggregate gross revenue and total aggregate net revenue generated by each tolled facility , financial year 200203
  • During the quarter ended june 30 , 2007 gross revenue was $ 1 , 242 , 455 , the cost of sales was $ 1 , 212 , 400 , and the gross profit was $ 30 , 055
  • The five government toll tunnels and one bridge involved have stable net revenue gross revenue minus operating expenditure streams , which makes them suitable candidates for securitisation
  • The five government toll tunnels and one bridge involved have stable net revenue ( gross revenue minus operating expenditure ) streams , which makes them suitable candidates for securitisation
  • Essentially , this model refers to the establishment of terms through out - of - band or prior usage - based system , on the bartering of services , equity , or even a percentage of gross revenue of the requestor
    本质上,这个模式指的是在服务交换、等同体或甚至请求者总收入的一部分的基础上,通过out - of - band或者基于提前使用的系统,来建立相关条款。
  • Article 17 foreign air transportation and ocean shipping enterprises engaged in international transport business shall use 5 % of the gross revenues from passenger and cargo transport and shipping services arising within china as taxable income
用"gross revenue"造句  


  • income (at invoice values) received for goods and services over some given period of time
    同义词:gross sales, sales,

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